Alexei Navalny Death: What led to it?

President Putin’s most vociferous foe-

Alexei Navalny Death

 Serving 19 year sentence on extremism charges in the Arctic Circle Prison was found dead.

Navalny’s death a month before the elections will give president Putin another six years in power. One of his closest allies said ”it was highly likely” that a “murder had actually happened”.


Based on this statement assumptions are being made that if it was a murder, then it can be due to the upcoming elections in the next month. 


The prison service said he had “felt unwell” after a walk on Friday. It is said that “He immediately lost consciousness” The emergency team was immediately called to rescue him, but with no success.

The reason of his death is still unknown and the cause of the death is still being searched. His wife Yulia has appealed to the international community “to help punish this regime”.

 Alexei Navalny Death

Navalny was once sentenced to 20 days in jail on 2 October 2017 for calls to participate in protests without approval from state authorities. Many small small charges had been imposed on him in his political career.

As his public name – Putin’s Fierest Foe, it is meant that he was a great competitor to President Putin with good support of his allies and supporters.

Alexei Navalny Death led the party in shreds. Supporters appealed to help punish this regime. 



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